Clean Up The World Weekend


Sunday 17 September saw a friendly and enthusiastic group of people from all over Istanbul descend upon beautiful Burgaz Island, a short ferry ride from chaotic downtown.




Partly to enjoy some time out from the hustle and bustle of Istanbul but primarily to be part of World Clean Up Weekend 2017.


Our Mission Statement – RUBBISH COLLECTION

group 2b


Imagine a merry band of eco-warriors crossing The Bosphorous by ferry from both European and Asian sides of Istanbul to take up arms with gloves and rubbish bags.


Together, adults and kids, descended upon garbage with grit and determination, it didn’t stand a chance!


The weather was perfect, cooperation between each other fun and easy and spirits were high.


We even picked up some random strangers keen to get in on the act and help out.


And a good thing too as rubbish was to be found in every nook and cranny. Under rocks, in the forest, on the beaches.



These bags were collected from just one strip of beach.


Burgazada, like so many places of beauty in this region, has become spoilt by the very people that visit them seeking the solace of spending time in a natural environment.


And although we worked hard the island is still in need of much more tender loving care.


Now however, after the committed efforts of our volunteers you can find more spots where you can breathe in the sweet smells of the forest and the sea. You can listen to the wind whispering in the trees without inhaling toxic, garbage odours to the rustle of decomposing plastic bags.


‘In addition to uniting millions in global environmental action, Clean Up the World Weekend serves as a celebration of participants’ year round activities. By promoting their achievements internationally, Clean Up the World focuses public attention on global community concerns for the environment and how each individual can make a positive contribution to a cleaner and healthier world.’



And so in the spirit of Clean Up The World Day, celebrate we did. After getting down and dirty we finished up at a little beach near Kalpazankaya Restaurant for a swim and a clean up before getting stuck into eating, drinking and being merry.


From the bottom of my heart I would like to thank everyone who encouraged, contributed and participated in this action. Watch out Turkey, here we come. The first event of many to come.



7 thoughts on “Clean Up The World Weekend

  1. Thank you so much for your effofts to clean up Burgazada! You all did a wonderful job! I truly appriciated your good work and i am talking about you all to everyboy that i know! I was in Burgazada yesterday and everywhere seemed so much cleaner! Thank you again with all my heart! ZERRIN ARBAS

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